The Edge of Each Other’s Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde


This film is about Lorde’s broad social vision and the translation of that vision into an historic transnational conference.

Audre Lorde (1934-1992) has been intrinsically important to the development of second wave U.S. feminism. Author of 15 books of poetry and prose, she was poet Laureate of New York State from 1991-1993.

She consistently challenged racism, sexism, classism and homophobia, serving as a catalyst for change within and among social movements, in which she herself participated: Black Arts and Black Liberation, Women’s Liberation, Black Feminism, and Lesbian and Gay Liberation. A staunch internationalist, she connected women across the U.S.A., the Caribbean, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. She died in 1992 after a courageous 14 year strugggle against breast and liver cancer.

The Edge of Each Other’s Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde.
59 min. Narrative documentary. Director, writer, producer. 2002

This video is about Audre Lorde’s broad social vision and the translation of that vision into a historic transnational conference, which used her work, while celebrating her life.

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About the author

Jennifer Abod
By Jennifer Abod